Car Services Oxfordshire

Just Right Autos is a modern car workshop in Witney offering full services or interim car services on all types of vehicles including hybrid and EV.

Ideally, a vehicle should have an interim service at least every year, however, recommendations can differ from manufacturer to manufacturer.

As a general rule have your car services every 12,000 miles or every 12 months – whichever comes first.

Car Services and Repairs - Courtesy Car from Just Right Autos, Witney
Car Service Whilst Under Warranty

Car Service Whilst Under Warranty

When the vehicle is under warranty, the manufacturer will have a minimum car service recommendation and Just Right Autos recommends you stick well to it. We always use manufacturer parts and if we don’t, then we use parts that are covered by ‘Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Regulations 1400/2002’ (BER). BER means that, as a motorist, you can choose spare parts that will not invalidate the warranty.

We are an independent dealer and authorised repairer, so we can recommend parts that should save you money. All serviced items changed are covered by our 12000-mile 12-month warranty.

If a vehicle is outside the manufacturer’s warranty period, we advise you to have a full service every two years or 24000 miles and an interim or minor service in between.

Please see our car service checklist to see what’s included.

Independent dealer and authorised repairer Witney Oxfordshire
Car Services in Witney Oxfordshire

Car Services in Oxfordshire

During a full service, we may find that we need to change gearbox oil or brake fluid. We might also find that major parts, such as the cambelt, need to be looked at or replaced.

Please call us for advice and a free no-obligation quote, as we can usually recommend what the vehicle will need, or we can call you once we’ve had a good look.